Create your own Veg Patch and Money

Date: 19 Dec 2022

With the ever-increasing rise in the cost of living, now is a better time than ever to grow your own fresh produce. So where do you start you may ask? The first decision you will need to make is where to put your new veggie garden.

You can decide whether to make your new patch at ground level or create a raised garden beds which is in fashion these days. A raised bed will require more preparation as you will need to purchase materials and build your raised garden to your requirements. A quick google search should find raised garden bed tutorials to accommodate all skill levels.

Once you have established where to put your garden it is time to prepare the garden bed. This is the most crucial step in creating your vege garden. 1-2 weeks before planting, add organic compost to your soil. Most vegetables need 15-20 centimeters of good dirt for their roots to develop. If you are intending to develop crops with more profound roots, like potatoes or carrots, dig and compost a further 30 centimeters. Water the compost and let it break down before you start planting. Once these steps are complete you are ready to start your Produce Patch!!

Create your own Veg Patch and Money
What to plant? This can depend on the seasons. Your local gardening center will be able to help you decide which vegetables are best to grow in the upcoming seasons.

Once your plants are in it is important to keep them hydrated. Water the plants every day for the first couple of days then reduce the amount of water you give them, which will urge the plant’s roots to grow further down as they search for water. This will assist the plant with developing and set up a good foundation.

Adding mulch can help your plants grow. As it breaks down, the mulch will provide nitrogen to the soil and plants. Apply the mulch around the vegetables but not to close them because if the mulch gets too wet, it can rot the plants.

Now that you have the basic information to set up your own Produce Patch, get out there and get growing and saving!!!