Navigating the World of Lawn Care Tools in New Zealand

Date: 16 Oct 2023

Navigating the World of Lawn Care Tools in New Zealand

The world of lawn care tools and equipment can be quite overwhelming, especially with the plethora of choices available in New Zealand. Before you invest in these tools, it's essential to consider various factors as the prices vary significantly, and the tools may serve you for many years to come. Finding the best lawn care tools that align with your specific needs and lawn type is crucial.

When making lawn care tool purchases, some critical factors to ponder include the size of your lawn, the type of terrain, the presence of obstacles like trees, flowerbeds, or playsets, and the desired tool/equipment quality. Given the wide price range for similar lawn care equipment, determining the quality level and your budget is paramount.

Here's a list of some essential lawn care equipment to assist you in making an informed decision:

1. Lawn Mower: Choose between push mowers or riding mowers. Push mowers suit smaller lawns, those who want some exercise while mowing, or budget-conscious individuals. Riding lawn mowers are ideal for larger lawns and offer more power. Explore options like electric or gas-powered mowers, deck width, and adaptability before making your selection.

2. Lawn Trimmer: These tools help cut grass and weeds in smaller, hard-to-reach areas where the lawn mower can't reach. Electric and gas-powered trimmers are available. While most trimmers use plastic string, some gas-powered models feature metal blades for robust trimming tasks.

3. Lawn Edger: Edgers are designed for fine-tuning a lawn's aesthetic appeal. They create precision cuts around the lawn's perimeter and edges, providing a cleaner and more precise appearance. Edgers are also handy for creating trenches around flowerbeds and driveways.

4. Rake: Rakes are versatile tools, useful for collecting fallen leaves, spreading cut grass, pine needles, mulch, and more. They come in various sizes and materials, including plastic and metal, with different handle options.

5. Spreader: Spreaders are used for dispersing grass seed across the lawn. They come in handheld or wheeled versions, with larger wheeled spreaders suitable for larger lawns.

6. Pruner/Shears: These tools are essential for caring for shrubs, flowers, or trees around your lawn. Experiment with different pruners and shears to find what feels most comfortable.

In addition to these common lawn tools, numerous other tools cater to specific lawn projects. To choose the right tool for your needs, educate yourself about the options, consider usage frequency, capacity, read online reviews, and seek advice from friends, family, store employees, or lawn care professionals.For more guidance on caring for your lawn, don't hesitate to contact our New Zealand lawn care experts.

Navigating the World of Lawn Care Tools in New Zealand