Why Franchising with Lawn Rite in New Zealand is a Smart Business Move

Date: 17 Sep 2023

You’ve reached a crucial decision: it's time to take the reins of your career and achieve greater financial independence. But now you face a critical choice: should you dive into the challenges of starting your own business from scratch, or should you opt for a franchise model?

In this article, we delve into the compelling reasons why franchising, particularly with Lawn Rite in New Zealand, can be an excellent business option to explore.

First, the Hard Numbers

In New Zealand, you'll find hundreds of franchise brands to choose from, and the franchise industry boasts a staggering valuation of $36.8 billion. Even more promising, in 2021, the franchising sector witnessed a growth rate of 2.5%, with predictions of further expansion in the years ahead.

What's truly impressive is that small businesses, a substantial portion of which are franchises, constitute a whopping 98% of all businesses in the country and provide employment to over half a million individuals. This data underscores the popularity of opting for a franchise when embarking on entrepreneurial journeys in New Zealand.

Here's Why:

  1. Business with a Built-in Safety Net

Starting a business from scratch entails navigating a sea of uncertainties. Is your product or service viable? Is there a receptive market awaiting your offerings? Where will you locate your clients? How much capital must you invest before reaching profitability?

In the realm of entrepreneurship, these unknowns contribute to the disheartening statistic that half of all small businesses collapse within their first five years. However, the franchise model offers a well-trodden path with established structures and support mechanisms, mitigating the risks and expenses associated with solo entrepreneurship.

When you become a franchisee, you are in business for yourself but never by yourself. The franchise model provides a remarkable level of certainty because the business concept has already proven its profitability. Finding clients is often streamlined, as the franchisor may have leads lined up, and they'll guide you in nurturing your client base.

  1. Business without the Financial Strain

Venturing into a solo business requires you to shoulder the burdens of researching and purchasing products, acquiring equipment, undergoing training and development, procuring accounting software, building a website, designing uniforms, developing procedures, unraveling legal complexities, and securing liability insurance. The list seems endless, as do the associated costs.

In stark contrast, investing in a franchise business grants you access to shared services. This means that expenses for technology, tools, marketing, software, products, and equipment are all covered within your franchising fees and distributed across the entire network, making them significantly more affordable and accessible.

This financial advantage can make a world of difference, particularly during turbulent economic times, as it enables you to keep your costs in check and maintain competitiveness.

  1. Business with a Robust Support Network

Navigating the ebbs and flows of business, whether stemming from economic fluctuations or personal challenges, can be an arduous journey when you're operating solo. Unfortunately, some business owners never manage to recover from these setbacks.

However, with a franchise, you're not alone in weathering these storms. A reputable franchisor, such as Lawn Rite, will stand by your side, offering systems, solutions, support, advice, training, and an in-house team dedicated to helping you build your business.

What's even better is that you have an entire fraternity of fellow franchisees to lean on for support, ensuring that you're never left to fend for yourself.

A Wise Business Choice

In light of these compelling reasons, opting for a franchise in New Zealand, particularly one with the reputation of Lawn Rite, represents a shrewd business decision. To recap, here are the key advantages:

  1. You can enter a thriving industry with numerous franchise opportunities.
  2. You can be your own boss while benefiting from the support and expertise of a well-established, reputable, and proven business model.
  3. You can reduce the risks associated with starting and growing a business.
  4. You can have confidence in the tried-and-tested nature of your business concept, with a ready-made clientele.

Of course, your success hinges on the franchise brand you choose. Therefore, it's essential to select a franchisor with a long-standing track record and highly satisfied franchisees.

If you aspire to join a beloved New Zealand brand committed to your success, consider becoming a franchisee with Lawn Rite today!

Why Franchising with Lawn Rite in New Zealand is a Smart Business Move